Something New

I’m always telling my new employees how to get started in the business. I’ve decided to go to a smaller town and try to start over so that I can better tell others how to do it. 

I’m going under a new name and creating a new history/back story. I’ll be using the techniques and methods I’ve been teaching to see if they are still relevant and to tweak what is not into a better method. 👍🙏

Wish me luck!

The Fontaine Is a Fountain

Hi There!

My name is Fontaine Leonard. I am a mother and a friend and a creative Renaissance person. My first love is being a mother. That is what directs and guides my life now. Before I became a mom, I was a full time very successful hairstylist. I have now been licensed for over twenty years. I still do hair, however, I am also involve in many other projects.

As my name implies, (Fontaine is French for fountain), I have diverse and varied interests. This has lead me from exclusive shopping of Beverly Hills, California to the Ozarks in Bee Branch, Arkansas. My interests are spiritual with a passion for my Christianity and especially angels and archangels. Specifically, what they are and what they do.  I love luxury and am drawn to beauty. Not only in hair and makeup but also in photography and interior decorating. For about ten years now, I have been diving into marketing, specifically online marketing and networking.

When something has been challenging, I tend to be drawn to it because I understand that in order to make something easy, one has to work at it regularly and constantly, then it is easy.

I grew up in southern California and was raised to be an actress. I chose to stand on the stage behind a chair for many years. Now I am ready to share much of what I have learned and am still continuously discovering with you.

I would be thrilled and honored to have you join me on this journey through the new phase of life. I would love to hear your feedback and get to know you as well. Leave me your comments and we will be in touch.

Reach out to me also on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube